Producer Portal PHP

What it does

We work in a direct attached SAN environment most of the time. As a producer, you may be required to administer/start a job without being attached directly to the SAN. This can result in permissions issues for every one who need to work out of that job. After realizing we were wasting time and resources tracking down permissions related issue every week, I wrote a web app that automates the creation of a job on the SAN as well as sets up related accounts. By creating this app, we have stopped 95% of our permissions related issues. We are also able to ensure that the correct metadata has been entered for each job.

You can see the web interface for the app. You can also see the metadata that get added to the job notes.

The Interface

The Metadata

Part of the job creation script involves logging into a remote server and setting up an FTP user. Once this has been done the script writes all of the user metadata back to job notes file. This automates a crucial step so everyone has access to the FTP folder. You can see the job notes below.

Job #: Project: Client: Producer: Budget Total: Delivery Deadline: Deliverables: SH Staff assigned EP: Producer: Designer: Editor : Sound: DVD: ************************************************* MY.SPLICE SERVER INFORMATION: (add your additional links here) You may also direct clients to our website and have them hit "login"- this improves our site visibility. username: xxxxclient password: jobname folder name/location: ************************************************* ************************************************* AUTOMATIC LINK - DO NOT EDIT THIS BOX: (it gets created automagically by producers) username: 12345A_sample password: 12345 folder name/location: /Client_Access ************************************************* *************************************************

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Producer Portal

This is a PHP web application that is used by producers to start a job.

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