Postgres Backup Script BASH

What it does

At Splice, we run Davinci Resolve to do all of our coloring and finishing. Like many other applications, Resolve uses a database to keep track of every aspect of your project. Media applications really are not file-based anymore. They are data driven. We needed a script that would back up databases every hour as we worked. After all, a lost database could ruin an entire project. I wrote this script in BASH, it only took a couple hours to work through all the details.

You can see the actual code I wrote in the next tab. You can also see the email output from the LaunchD job when you run the script.

The code

#!/bin/bash #here we will attempt to login to the database abd get a list of db's to dump: DATABASES=`/Library/PostgreSQL/8.4/bin/psql --user=postgres -w --no-align --tuples-only --command="SELECT datname from pg_database WHERE NOT datistemplate"` EMAILBODYSTATUS="" EXITCODE=0 #ECHO $DATABASES for DATABASE in $DATABASES; do EMAILBODYSTATUS+="`date +%H:%M:%S`: Attempting to dump database: $DATABASE " /Library/PostgreSQL/8.4/bin/pg_dump -h localhost --username postgres $DATABASE --blobs --file /Volumes/ResolveServer_v12_Dumps/Resolve.$DATABASE.backup.`date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S` --format=custom --verbose --no-password if [ $? == 0 ] then EMAILBODYSTATUS+="`date +%H:%M:%S`: Successfully dumped database: $DATABASE " else EMAILBODYSTATUS+="WARNING!!!!! WARNING!!!! $DATABASE dump encountered an ERROR at `date +%H:%M:%S`!!! \n \n " echo "$DATABASE dump encountered an error at `date +%H:%M:%S`!!!" >&2 EXITCODE=1 fi done FROM='' TO='' SUBJECT='Resolve Server Backup Status' BODY=$EMAILBODYSTATUS printf "From: <%s>\nTo: <%s>\nSubject: %s\n\n%s" "$FROM" "$TO" "$SUBJECT" "$BODY" | sendmail -f "$FROM" -t "" find /Volumes/ResolveServer_v12_Dumps/* -mtime +1 -exec rm {} \; if [ $EXITCODE -eq 0 ] then echo "Successfully created database backups on `date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S`" exit 0 else echo "Could not create database backups on `date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S`" >&2 exit 1 fi

The result

15:00:06: Attempting to dump database: postgres 15:00:07: Successfully dumped database: postgres 15:00:07: Attempting to dump database: vftscons 15:04:40: Successfully dumped database: vftscons 15:04:40: Attempting to dump database: resolveservertest 15:05:03: Successfully dumped database: resolveservertest 15:05:03: Attempting to dump database: betatestserverv12 15:07:21: Successfully dumped database: betatestserverv12 15:07:21: Attempting to dump database: committeefilms2015 15:12:07: Successfully dumped database: committeefilms2015 15:12:07: Attempting to dump database: dv12sever 15:18:44: Successfully dumped database: dv12sever 15:18:44: Attempting to dump database: cf2015_iai200 15:25:29: Successfully dumped database: cf2015_iai200 15:25:29: Attempting to dump database: bv12server 15:26:14: Successfully dumped database: bv12server

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